
Civil Litigation

Hub Hero Civil Litigation

Seeking Justice Through Courtroom Advocacy

Standing strong with you through every step on the path to justice.

Pursue Your Rights With Legal Experts at Your Side

Civil litigation is the legal process of resolving disputes between individuals or entities through the court system. It involves private disputes where one party seeks compensation or relief from another party, as opposed to criminal cases which involve the government prosecuting individuals for violating laws.

In a civil lawsuit, the plaintiff files a complaint against the defendant, who then has a chance to respond. The process involves pleadings, discovery, pre-trial motions, trial, and sometimes appeals, with the goal of reaching a judgment or settlement. It can be a burdensome process, but worth the effort for justice. And our attorneys are here to tenaciously advocate for your rights.

Often, you will have tried to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom before pursuing civil litigation. But there are several situations when you may choose that civil litigation is the right next step:

Disagreement on Liability or Fault

If the parties can’t agree on who is responsible for the dispute or the extent of liability.

Complex Legal Issues

When legal principles or interpretations are complex and require clarification or precedent-setting decisions.

Desire for Public Resolution

Litigation can make dispute resolution public and documented, providing clarity and preventing future disputes.

Inadequate Settlement Offers

If the other party’s settlement offers are inadequate, the plaintiff can seek a better outcome through court judgment.

Principle or Reputation

When principles or reputation are at stake, parties may choose to litigate to uphold their integrity or deter similar actions in the future.

Multiple Parties Involved

When multiple parties with different interests or liabilities are involved, litigation can ensure fair representation and protection of their right.

Enforcement of Rights

To enforce specific legal rights, such as contractual obligations or statutory rights, when the opposing party refuses to comply.

Insufficient Response or Delay

If the other party doesn’t respond to settlement offers or tries to delay resolution, we can go to court to speed up the process.

Civil Litigation Practice Areas

Upholding Your Rights Across Various Legal Fields

Civil litigation can cover a wide range of legal issues and ensures a fair process for resolving disputes through the legal system. Our attorneys are ready to support you in pursuing civil litigation in these practice areas when other methods fail to deliver justice.

Personal Injury Claims

Dedicated to advocating for fair compensation to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

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Business or Employment Disputes

Ensure fair treatment and protection in contract breach, wage violation, discrimination, or harassment claims.

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Workers’ Compensation

Receive your just compensation for medical treatment, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages.

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Class Action Lawsuits

Collectively seek justice against corporate negligence by securing compensation, enforcing accountability, and effecting meaningful change.

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Wage and Hour Violations

As an employee, you have rights. Wage and hour laws are designed to protect those rights.

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Ultimately, whether to pursue civil litigation instead of settling out of court depends on your specific case circumstances, objectives, and considerations of time, cost, and potential outcomes.

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